Thursday, February 25, 2010

Chakra opening meditation experience

QUESTION: I have been meditating for years and recently bought CD's of binaural beats to open my chakras.

Having done the first 5 openings, I started on the 6th third eye chakra and shortly had the experience of being in a black space with starlike missiles shooting towards me this lasted a long time.

A similarly, when opening the crown chakra, the same thing happened only this time the showering missiles were colored.

Can you help me understand the meaning of this please?

Thank you,


ANSWER: Hi Tamara,

I need to clarify one thing before I answer your question and that is that your chakras are always open. If they were closed or off. you would be dead.  While I say your chakras are open, they are not functioning as they should be as they are not aligned and that is because they are also holding unloving energy from both an external and internal source. They are not balanced, much like if you physically carry a heavy load in one hand, your body shifts to compensate for the added weight and you can’t function, ie, walk, run, climb, or do things with your hands that you could if you didn’t have this added weight that is not a part of you. The same scenario applies to your chakras, or energy centers.

The starlight missiles, as you describe them are actually spirits. They may be your guide’s or just other spirits that are attracted to you because you are opening yourself to see them. If you so choose, you can also communicate with them either with an internal dialogue, or externally channeling them, either verbally or in written form. Meditation is a great tool to help you begin to heal and empower yourself.  I’ve written a book on how I use meditation to do just that.  Here’s a link to my website and a free e-book that you can either view online or download.  If you have any other questions you know where you can get in touch with me.



---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you for helping me but I am still wondering why I saw an explosion of stars in the third eye meditation and in the crown meditation I saw the same king of explosion but the stars were in color.

Is my third eye activated now?

Thank you for the book and I have book marked your site for future reference.



Hi Tamara,

As I said before, your chakras have always been open and activated...   What has happened is that now, (through meditation) you have become AWARE of them, or more so, your 6th and 7th chakra. Now that you are aware of your 6th Chakra, third eye (inner sight) you can also delve into seeing, hearing and feeling your other chakras as well as the past and future, and other realms of consciousness that were shut out before you started meditating. You were aware of your third eye when you were a child, but denied it as you were told that what you were seeing and hearing wasn’t real or was just your imagination...

