Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Benefits of Yoga & Meditation

Benefits of Yoga

* Brings down stress and enhances powers of relaxation
* Boosts physical strength, stamina and flexibility
* Bestows greater powers of concentration and self control
* Inculcates impulse Control
* Helps in rehabilitation of old and new injuries
* Intensifies tolerance to pain and enhancing mental clarity
* Boosts functioning of the immune system
* Enhances posture and muscle tone

Benefits of Meditation

Improvement of body luster and general health-When your mind focuses on a particular part of the body, the blood flow to that part increases and cells receive more oxygen and other nutrients in abundance. Today, many of the film stars and fashion models include meditation in their daily regimen.

yoga today is not practiced as the father of yoga Patanjali has intended it. what is the meaning of yoga? yoga means union, uniting. it is a uniting of individual consciousness with cosmic consciousness. nothing more, nothing less.

let us remember that Patanjali's Yoga Sutras consist of 8 parts. that's right, not steps to be practiced one after the other but parts practiced simultaneously. hatha yoga is one of those parts highly contorted these days into "super deluxe kundalini yoga". hatha yoga is not about sweating in a heated room, being able to bend this way and that way, or having a nice workout. NO! hatha yoga as Patanjali intended is about preparing our body for the high energy of enlightenment. yoga is a way of living with awareness uniting every moment with cosmic consciousness. this has to be rightly understood.

the yoga sutras are a profound work on the nature of consciousness. it focuses only on the mind and its qualities, influences and fluctuations and the resultant disturbances. these disturbances are obstacles on the path of discovering the Self. the yoga sutras outline how we can go beyond the mind and live in the heightened state of awareness which we call samadhi.