Monday, February 22, 2010


would it be accurate to think of the ego in terms of a computer analogy as the graphical user interface that rests atop the underlying processes of a computers operating system? is this a productive way of being able to see ourselves as not being the ego?

Hi Greg

I would think first off that it depends on how comfortable you are with the computer analogy - some folks have a morbid fear of computers, so for them, using this idea would be counterproductive. Since you evidently ARE comfortable with it, let's go to...

Indulge me for a moment, since I'm not a computer wiz, but a GUI is simply an easy way to access the "important" stuff that computers do for us. Back in "the day", I remember having to use BASIC and FORTRAN to get my dinosaur of a computer just to spit out a few names and addresses.

So, you could theoretically use a computer without a GUI - can we "use" ourselves without ego? I would think so...indeed, the goal of many meditations is to go beyond the ego and to discover the "real" us. To continue the analogy, then, we don't really need the ego, but does it make it easier for us to live?

Just like MS Windows, it sometimes does make things easier, but sometimes it drives us to distraction! Just like in meditational techniques, many attempt to use them, but soon quit due to various difficulties, real or perceived. Only a relative few are "successful" in meditation, just as only a relative few can work a computer without all the graphical interfaces.

So, to sum up, if you're comfortable "working yourself" with raw data and know what buttons to push :>), then have at it! If you're more comfortable knowing that the ego is merely a shell, an outward manifestation or mask, butthat you feel better using it, then that is equally valid.

Thanks for your question - hope this helps!