Monday, February 22, 2010


How can you learn to see Aura? And if there are different colors, what do they mean?

Hi Marie, Aura is easy.  I saw as a child, progressively evolved born here this time, but learned how to teach others thru the Inner Peace Movement.  It is so easy, takes ten minutes.

Everyone on Earth today have as least four gifts with many subcategories, and colors that go with the gifts, and different blends.

Prophecy, Knowing, Blue

Intuitive, Understanding, claraudience, commonsensical, Red

Feeling, Green, growth, feeling with consciusness

Visionary, yellow, clarvoyance, dreams, details, visions

Under these four gifts are many others which are listed on many websites.

I will give you one of my faqs to practice seeing the colors.  Peace

Let me add, easier to do with someone holding the cards for you.

Let me begin by the sleep paralysis.  I dont know what all you have heard but that is only a condition that happens when the spirit comes into the brain stem, and you become only partially awake, and the spirit is not entiring back in the body, and we start to fight.  We think we are fighting to move, but in reality, we're fighting the rest of the ecoplasm, us, spirit from coming in.  When that happens, one must "let go", relax, and you will feel a slight "zoom", or rush when the rest of spirit whips back in.  I have tried to tell the populance at large, because I learned that doctors have labeled it and made it a condition, a sickness, and it is not.  Its just there are more and more people coming aware, or coming of AGE.

    As the child, you did experience.  It has to do with light hitting our eyes, but not really directly, it doesn't matter.  I have students look at a bulb, dim, very little wattage, or a yellow one, because the colors are there instantly.  Your eyes will roam but thats OK, the colored orbs will roam.  One must try to steady the eye, and hold the orbs as long as possible.

    And let me add, there is a physiological explianation for what happens.  In the brain, or the seat of the eye faculty, when stareing at certain colors, their opposites will show because this facility will "rest".  I dont have the explianation in front of me.  But lets go on.  When you put up the color cards, and my Aunt who was a school teacher would do this with her students to show the experiment, you will see the color opposites.  When you put the color cards, poster board, not the neon, but basics, or you can use the neon since its hard to find the basics.  Get red, you will see green, green, you will see red, blue, you will see yellow, or lighter.  Purple, you will see white.  You can make them into shapes, and you will see the shapes.  Let me clarify, holding is whats important, holding the color you see until it fades, and doing it again with another colored card.  YOU ARE OPENING THE 3RD EYE!!!!

    The light must be to the side of you, placed so it is in the locality of shining toward the eyes, not at them, to the side of the wall.  When you look at the cards, pay attention to side vision, you will see the colors "seeping" from behind the cards on the wall, before its removed.  DEPENDING ON HOW MUCH YOU PRACTICE!!!  It is easier to see the colors and for them to deepen in color as time goes by.   You would be sitting or standing at least 8-10 ft. away.  Thats why someone needs to help, to stand at the wall and hold the color cards, you can take turns "seeing".  When the card is taken down, you will continue to stare at where it was until the color fades.

    With the light bulb or a DIM SUN, you will just hold the colors.  You will go into trance as you are able to look longer.  You will feel yourself, your body take the steps in meditation that they teach you to do, only it is automatic, like the deep breathing, it begins to happen on its own.

    Now, lastly, have a wall of mirrors, or a mirror on the wall, so that if you get back far enough, and sit comfortably, you can see your whole body, and surrounding.  You will stare at the middle of your forehead, paying attention to your side vision, then you will begin to see your own aura, and the longer you practice, you will begin to experience.  To mention a few, a white spiral, of which if someone were looking at your pupils, they would see them retract, and go full, just like walking into light, then back to dark, BECAUSE YOU ARE SEEING THIS SPIRAL MOVING.  You can see the white mist, called the silver cord, going up and down, both ways, energy coming from you, and to you, ectoplasm, proving your connection to life, not the material.  You will feel yourself pushing out the top of your head, and being that Prophecy is your first gift, as I believe it is, you may just go.  Thats why you must prop the body snugly, so it cant fall over.   Now, the light must be to the side of you, as usual.  Remember, Jesus hinted that he was the Light, well, we are light, Jahwe is light, and we need light to energy.  Our body needs food, the spirit needs light, like electricity, electromagnetic waves seated in the brain.  Each cell of the body does have an eye, explained one time in OMNI.

    My room was maybe 20 x 20, with a wall length mirror, (my closet), my bed to the right, and using the lamp on my bedtable.  My door was directly across from the mirrors, and I sat on the floor, with a pillow under my rump, at my back, on each side, and on my lap, so wherever my arms, hands felt comfortable with.  Being an Intuitive, I couldn't let go, until well practiced, I laid on the couch, and went out, raising up, or almost asleep, after doing the practice I told you to do.  Using the imagination, to see oneself go thru the ceiling, and out.  I always went to a chateau in a villiage in the Alps.  It took about a week of practice.  YOU MUST BELIEVE IN YOURSELF.  Thats why I'm relating, and you must read books on it, so you will know it is real, and you are not alone.  It must be viable in your head.

    Going to the Edgar Cayce Inst. was a breathe of fresh air.  Being in his surrounding made me even more viable.

    There's much more I can relate,  but I dont want to inhibit either, because you will experience what I haven't.  Each person is a individual, and you will teach me also.

    My first experience was when I was only two.  I have a photographic memory when NECESSARY, such as work, or something I will need to remember later.   I have seen color since very young, and thank the Goddess, for my grandfather, studying Cayce.       

  The bulb exercise is separate from the wall exercise with the light to your side to clarify your question.  Dont forget Robert Monroe, he is still on the web, and his books.  He's a natural, and he has an open invite to others to go there, volunteer for experiments.  That was years ago, so check within his later books.  Also, hopefully, he's still alive.

    Not time travel, its dimension jumping.  Altho, techyon waves might project us backwards, that remains to be seen with experiencing.  We either have a past, or we live simultaneously.  I think we do have a past.  I have reasoning, (intuition) about that.  We have an expert, JerryGeorge who dimension jumps like Robert Monroe.

  I think I've covered everything.  Please feel free to get in touch.  And teach others.  I dont travel like I used to.  Its easier coming in and touching someone on the computer.


The light must be to the side of your vision, so that light is reflected on your eyes.  Say midway between you and your color cards.  You will be paying attention to your side vision, peripually.  Light, artificial or the sun is the key to our "seeing" of Aura.  Light on our visical eyes brings the colors.  Have you ever looked into a fireplace, and find yourself focusing, and deeply concentrating?  The Rainbow is a demonstration of the colors that we see.

Move the light as you wish.  I use a large industrial light that mechanics use to see under cars for demonstrations.  Making sure that light will hit the eyes of students.  I gaze at the sun, not too strong a light, and colors come automatically.  When well practiced, the purple will come on its own.  It signals movement in consciousness.  It will "pop-up" all the time.

Also, remember to keep a journal, and as you look at the color cards, pay attention to your side vision at the edge of the card.  Here the color will seep before you remove the card, and see the color in place of the card.  The colors will be light at first, but will become deeper as time and practice happens.  Hope this helps, good luck, and let me know how you are doing.