Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I want to meditate

I want to begin meditating. I've heard a variety of information from different sources here and there but I don't know too much about it. Will I be able to touch a higher essence of myself from meditation? Also is it true that meditation produces beta waves in the brain which are similar to the brain waves produced during REM of sleep. I know beta waves are good for you. Finally is meditating for an hour equivalent to an hour of sleep or more? Thank you.  

Any meditation will work, Bob, and yes, there are different levels of sleep, and yes, it is equivalent, but sleep is different, resting the body, not the mind.

There are different levels of consciousness that has nothing to do with sleep.  All the way to "out of body".

But in the beginning, it does correlate as REM, but one must try not to get that far into sleep.  I mean its OK, if you need the rest, but best to go to bed early, and then meditate.

Also, you can try sleep deprivation, say stay up to the wee hours of the morning, till your mind is overalert, and it helps one to meditate, and astroproject.  Peace