Tuesday, February 23, 2010


What is Meditation?what are its effects ?to what point can it be beneficial and when will it become dangerous?

Hi Tati

Meditation goes under many names and styles, but basically it's a method of both physical relaxation and mental and spiritual refinement.

The effects of meditation are dependent upon what style you are practicing, but commonly include relaxation, stress relief, calming a troubled mind, and feeling "refreshed", as if you just took a nap. :>)

Properly performed, meditation also increases the efficiency of your breathing and helps correct bad postural habits.

As in any other mind/body practice, it can only become dangerous when taken to extremes. Also, realize that there is a time and place for everything - you don't necessarily want to meditate while you're driving down the freeway! But the dangers are so slight as to be almost non-existent.

Thanks for your question - hope my answer helped!