Thursday, February 25, 2010

intrusive father

Hi there, I am wondering if there is a specific mudra or breathing exercise or meditation you can tell me of that will help me deal with a domineering intrusive father who keeps trying to control me. I would like to deal with this situation in a peaceful manner as often talking about it with him either keeps things the same or makes them worse so I am focusing now on working on myself from within so that my external reality changes.  any help on this? thanks :)


Sorry, but to my knowledge there is no mantra or meditation that can help you deal with your domineering father other than in denial and being submissive, like religion and turning the other cheek.  

I don’t know how old you are but if your mother and siblings can’t help you, then you might need to find help outside your immediate family.  You might also try having a FAMILY meeting and bringing  up all the issues so that there are no “secrets” or “I didn’t say that” that can continue the conflict.  Avoiding conflict is NOT the solution, but addressing it openly and honestly when it begins and doing whatever needs to be done to STOP the conflict is the loving thing to do. Parent or no parent, abuse is abuse and it needs to be stopped.  If you don’t stop it now.. it will become an issue for you for the rest of your life with your other relationships. I’m not abdicating the use of violence, but if you truly, and from the Heart, express yourself in the moment you are confronted, there is no need for violence...

At the other end of this issue is the possibility that you are out of control..  Maybe you are under age and doing things that your father considers to be harming you and maybe negatively influencing your siblings or having a detrimental effect on the rest of the family.   While you need to have your father and family look at the issues, YOU also need to look at them and not just judge that YOU are right and THEY are wrong.
