Thursday, February 25, 2010

intrusive father

Hi there, I am wondering if there is a specific mudra or breathing exercise or meditation you can tell me of that will help me deal with a domineering intrusive father who keeps trying to control me. I would like to deal with this situation in a peaceful manner as often talking about it with him either keeps things the same or makes them worse so I am focusing now on working on myself from within so that my external reality changes.  any help on this? thanks :)

Dear NG, Thank you for your question. It is a good one.

It is certainly true that we are surrounded by a stressful environment, both in our society and even within our own families. Frequently, there is nothing we can do to change our environment. We are stuck with it.

It is also true that it is possible to change ourselves, such that we can gain the ability to choose to what we pay attention. In particular, if we feel satisfied and happy inside, it is much more difficult for outside stressors to irritate us.

The important point is that changing ourselves requires dissolving the stresses stored in our nervous system (this is explained in detail at

I recommend practicing either Transcendental Meditation or NSR Meditation, two very effective methods for releasing stress and improving life as a result. Both methods are effortless, natural, and simple.

For information about TM, visit For information about NSR, visit

David Spector


NSR Meditation/USA