Monday, February 22, 2010

To be happy....


I'm a 22yr old gal...

I have read many times that You decide to be happy.I just wanted to ask how can u do the same if u r in a relationship...

I have been into the same since 3 yrs...we started as Best friends...and no doubt We love each other a LOT. But as it does happen...with time there comes a situation oftenly when ur mood gets spoiled.....n I want to learn what n how shud I deal with it so that even I can remain happy....

Can u tell smthng to start meditation for a beginner...I'm keen to learn but yet to implement.



NN, Thank you for your question.

I cannot give any specific advice about your life situation. Nor can I advise on meditation in general. I practice a specific kind of meditation called Transcendental Meditation.

Here is some information about it.

In our everyday relative existence there is pleasure and pain, there are differences and distinctions, there is reasoning and judgement, there is action and result. What is not obvious is that all of this complexity happens in a very simple field--in the simplest field--the field of the Absolute, unchanging Self. All the activity is as if projected on a plain white motion picture screen, a field of all possibilities.

The nature of our Self is absolute unchanging purity, intelligence, creativity, and bliss. Actually, such a description falls short, because the nature of the Self is an experience, a reality, not an activity.

Transcendental Meditation effortlessly brings the experience of Absolute bliss consciouness (what we may call Transcendental Consciousness) to us. Repeated practice helps to establish the Absolute as an all-time reality. Living in the full values of both the relative and Absolute is the way to live in accordance with Natural Law. In this state we naturally accomplish all we wish, because the very nature of our wishes changes. If we previously wanted to engage in crime, we now find that the desire for criminal activities withers away. How can it survive in an all-encompassing field of bliss?

Transcendental Consciousness brings about the fulfillment of life.

Let me describe Transcendental Meditation in detail.

Most meditation techniques operate on one of two principles: concentration or contemplation.

Concentration is forcing the mind to be devoid of thoughts, or to have one specific thought only. This is doomed to failure because it doesn't take account of how the mind works (the mind is naturally full of thoughts). It also prevents transcending thought to experience the source of thought, which is unbounded blissful awareness.

Contemplation is thinking about some subject, such as God. Again, there is little opportunity here for transcending.

Transcendental Meditation uses a special sound (mantra) to lead the mind naturally in the direction of the source of thought, effortlessly. Although the mantra is a simple sound, the technique for using it is subtle and requires instruction.

You learn TM in a 4-day course. You can get complete information at

I can explain the technique in detail, but it isn't possible for you to learn over the Internet (the first instruction would be to close your eyes, but then how could you read further?). TM cannot be learned from a book for the same reason.

Practicing TM is an experience, one of increasing bliss, intelligence, and creativity. Learning TM is also an experience. A very beautiful one.

David Spector