First, I need to thank you for the advice you gave me early this year- you can look under "What now?" posts.
I have been meditating mainly on being aware of things around me: the feeling/sensation/thought/sight. Sometimes, I sit w/ my eyes opened and just look- knowing that I was just looking and not really get in too deep as far as what I was looking. Sometimes, I would "look" at things, still not getting in too deep and too involve w/ the thoughts from seeing. Sometimes, just walking and aware that I was simply "walking". Just being aware of what I was doing at the moment, yes it was interesting to notice that while really focus on one thing, I was also aware of many things around me : thought, senses, noises- like seeing at the corner of my eyes while reading (not too deep). As I was aware of what was going on around me, I noticed the peace inside me which I didn't really have to look/search for. The peace is always there.
Although, I have this experience before for past couple of years. I was not sure if I was on the right track. I had been meditating mostly on the concentration type, and everything else but "awareness". At time, I noticed that I was too focus and everything else didn't really meet my expectation as my brain/ concentration were racing full force. Sometimes, I felt angry as I wanted to be in peaceful moment, and I either had to do something else, except sitting/meditating in peace. Or someone/ something had to disrupt me. Yes, I was at peace- ususally, and my concentration was good, but I felt I was not progress as I should. Even while sitting, I felt I had to rush eventhough there was not where to go. I always I had to rush to reach certain stage, certain level. To certain point, I was also not happy and at peace w/ myself. I could understand the story why someone would ignore his career/ family and everything else to just sit next to the river talking to him being at peace w/ himself. (This perhaps is a pit fall as mentioned in the advance study of medition- a book I found at the Thai temple in MD). Sometimes, I noticed the awareness, when I really looked at something- almost like looking at picture, but moving picture. There was a sense of peace inside, and the aware of surrounding. Yet, I wasn't sure if I was on the right track. And, I started searching for more. It was also difficult to talk and ask questions since many teachers may be stuck "searching" for peace themselves.
Anyway, having experience the awareness before, along w/ the meditation of this type, I understood right away what you told me to do. Now, it has been several months since I committed to it, I feel at peace- but not because I had to look for it. The awareness simply guides me there. As mentioned before, I notice many things around me simultaneously- yet still aware of what I was focusing on. I don't feel I need to be anywhere, trying to reach certain level. Just being aware of this very moment- if theres is something needs to be done, I will sense it and it's time to go do it. By being aware of the moment, I feel at peace inside, even if people/ things are distracting- I am aware of this too.
I don't exact have a career- just doing odd jobs here and there after leaving my NASA work ten years ago. Now, I feel I am on the right path spiritually. I am still not sure what the destiny has in me- but everytime I am aware of the moment I feel everything will be fine and no one can take it from me. Not exactly, extraordinary things, as some friends of mine expecting to see me "float", like a typical "Guru"- if there is such a thing. In dreams, yes, I was flying w/ my hands pushing myself above the ground. But, in reality, people would be flocking to me expecting that I solve their problems, or healing someone. Not saying that I don't want to really make a different, yes, I really want to be able to heal and take pains away- I just don't know how! Unfortunately, I have to consult Ms. Destiny as well. Everyday, I do what I can, to make different regardless of how small- at the same time trying to make an honest living. Sometimes, I feel the uncertainty, but I let awareness by my guide which then turn the unfortunate into opportunity. The difficult time which most of us are facing currently, is not so bad afterall. To me, survival now takes a back seat, doing what I am to do is most important. Again, the awareness lets me know what I need to do.
Thanks again. And, you are welcome to add your insight to this, along w/ advise that you may have. I am sure this is just begining but to a different direction.
J. Bernie Greyz
ANSWER: Hi, Bernie.
It's nice that you have discovered the peacefulness that comes when the mind is not trying so hard to get away from this moment. And the intelligence to - somehow - know what to do when it is necessary to do something. All of it coming without having to try.
The mind works best when it is simply a receiver. And it can't simply receive if it is trying to focus or trying to react to something. Even when there is some kind of action, if it comes from just listening, the action does not make the mind noisy. The mind can stay quiet, receptive, even in doing, even in thinking when necessary.
You mentioned some little thoughts about "what to do next" or about being helpful. In some ways you can see that these are just thoughts. I don't have to know what I will do next. But the thought comes up. It's a thought about "myself". There is imagery behind it of what I am, what I was, what I will be. In sitting quietly, presently, these thoughts may not come up at all. What a relief. Then the thought comes back. What will happen to me in the future? Will I just sit and do nothing? Shouldn't I have a goal, like helping other people? Or even a goal of just going around in presence doing the appropriate thing, and how people will see me and be impressed or maybe inspired. All of this is the brain making imagery about itself because that is what it is trained to do. It doesn't want to stop.
It is also possible that there are things in the mind - past memories, patterns, habits, reactions, assumptions - things that do need to come into the light. They can come into the light whenever there is a moment with no focus, no need to know, forgetting about everything because what is right here is so present. I personally find that a seven day retreat is the best way for me to give these deeper patterns a chance to come out more clearly and fully. This is seven days of living in a very simple, direct way, along with other people.
I would recommend this very much. I personally go two or three times a year, maybe more. It is very helpful. There is a kind of unknowable "going deeper" that happens on its own.
Many retreat places impose certain kinds of tradition or practices or requirements that sometimes seem to interfere with just the opportunity for simple presence. I can recommend the Springwater Center in NY as a place that provides a very simple, direct retreat and yet has people there who have done this work for many years.
We are also holding a seven day retreat here in New Mexico the first week of December.
If you have not been to something like this, I think you will find that it is just what you have wanted - the chance to be in deep presence, with others, in Nature, for a good long time.
I will look forward to hearing how things are going for you.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thanks for responding. For future references, how much will it cost for a retreat in NM or NY. How is it being run? I went to a retreat at Buddhist temple long time ago, and they were pretty strict as far as the type of meditation being introduced. How will the "awareness" mediation being introduced either to beginner or more experienced practioner. Will there be someone to guide me, if I am going deeper. Also, how is it being done say your retreat?
On the side note: you mentioned New Mexico, and retreat- the first thing that came into my mind was "Carlos Castinidas", "Don Huang". Dont' know if you read his books. He wrote books about this kind of pure awareness, using Native Indian method- some kind of plants causing hallucination.
Anyway, the next question is: if I can not find someone to guide me into the deeper awareness through retreat. How can I do it by myself?- through meditation that is. What should I look for? Will there be any pit fall/ mis-step? I am sure one of the thing I will face is my own demon- nothing news, faced that so many times. Even faced Anubis and was judged by him once in the dreams.
Thanks again for your time and insight.
Hi, Bernie.
My retreat here in NM is $230 for the full 7 days, which includes food and lodging. It's a very good deal! In Springwater I think a full retreat is around $450 or something like that. You can check
At both places there is no "strictness" about how you sit, what you do, etc. I feel it's very important for each person to find their own way. It can be a violation of people to have a strict structure. The only requirement is to maintain silence - which means not talking with other people or intruding on their solitude.
I find that finding one's way with awareness is not a technique that can be taught. We have to find our own way. However, it is very helpful to be able to talk with each other when things come up, especially with someone who has done this work for a long time. At both retreats there is a chance to engage in group dialogue and one on one dialogue.
You asked about guiding yourself into "deeper awareness". Actually we can only examine carefully what it is that is evaluating and "guiding". Often that which evaluates is really interpreting, filtering, judging. There is a different kind of intelligence that reveals whether something is helpful or harmful. This is a simpler kind of intelligence. In order to live well, we need to be able to carefully distinguish the difference. It can take a lot of simple observation, without judging, moment by moment, to start to discover this difference.
I can say from my own experience that going to retreat with others - in a supportive retreat environment - is extremely helpful. It's not that somehow other people are wiser than me. It's more that the energy together can shed light on dark spots that we can't see in ourselves. Often the dark spots are the very things that think they can figure it out on their own. So retreat takes us beyond our limited selves while shedding light on our selves.
I hope that helps. If you may have an interest in our retreat, please contact very soon. We are in the final stages of planning it. You can call me at 505-281-0684 any time.