Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Men in my yoga classes

Women like classes more than men as many men prefer to work out by themself. Women really are more social.

Men do not like to do something new that is unfamiliar, especially where good looking women can do it better than they can. Men genetically need to look physically strong and competent to women as well as to other men.

Many yoga classes are taught by women for women. Men do not (generally) want to do things like tuck their tummy or sculpt their butt. If you throw in some chatarungas, most men will not object to the hip opening. I think that it is important to include poses that are challenging as well as poses that are easy for all students. These are often different because of gender, as well as many other factors. Many yoga classes are taught by white women for white women and there is often a lack of men and other races because they feel excluded. This has nothing to do with Yoga, but rather with the teacher's paradigm or training.

Many yoga teachers' classes are filled with crystals, chakras, chanting, incense, and a variety of New Age hocus pocus that some women like, but most men try to avoid whenever possible.

Many men (and women) cannot think outside the cultural stereotypes that say that men should be strong and women should be flexible. We do not yet have a strong cultural stereotype that says both men and women need a balance of strength and flexibility, because neither is worth very much without the other. Frankly, most men need yoga and most women need weight training instead of the other way around.

My classes are more physical than verbal and men often prefer this. If the class is more athletic, it will attract more men as well as the more athletically inclined women. This also appeals to women who have lost their youthful athleticism, as they see it returning with practice and enjoy both the increased energy as well as the relaxation.

Many men have not yet figured out that there are a great variety of Yogas out there and if they were to look around a little, they would see that there is probably something that fits their unique needs pretty well.

Most of the men in my classes come for one or more of the following reasons:

Their wife or girl friend made them. Many really like it and keep coming even if the wife/girl friend stops.

They realize that stress is killing them and have heard that yoga is good for stress and are willing to give it a try.

They have back pain and have heard that yoga can help.

An athletic coach or health care professional recommended it.

They see other men that they know and/or respect doing it.

They have been doing yoga somewhere else for a while and are familiar with the benefits.