Hi there, I am wondering if there is a specific mudra or breathing exercise or meditation you can tell me of that will help me deal with a domineering intrusive father who keeps trying to control me. I would like to deal with this situation in a peaceful manner as often talking about it with him either keeps things the same or makes them worse so I am focusing now on working on myself from within so that my external reality changes. any help on this? thanks :)
Sorry for the delay.
You can focus on the Manipuraka Chakra (navel area) and take deep breaths. Visualize a white light around the navel area. Do this for 5 minutes.
Breath in through nostril, let your belly fill in. Breath out through the mouth. Do this for 5 minutes.
When you practice meditation/breathing, let the ring finger (next to your little finger) touch your thumb - both your hands (mudra). Sit straight and let spine be erect.
For about 5-10 minutes every day morning, pray to the god to have a healthy relationship and ask god to bless the person from whom you are facing problems. Getting angry is not the solution. Bless the person in silence so that he/she understands the reality.