Wednesday, June 17, 2009



The sun radiates heat off the lava fields, distorting the fi gures of the riders ahead. I had thought to practice dharana (concentration) and dhyana (meditation) as I navigated the 2.4-mile swim, 112-mile bike ride, and 26.2-mile run between the start and finish lines of the Ironman World Championship, but my mind is off center. I am discouraged. The wind, sun, and sea have punished my body. My hopes for a fast finish are crushed; my competitive spirit has been beaten down.

I bring myself back to my breath. A whimper grows into a quivering Om: low, undetected by others over the sounds of the wind and the spinning bike wheels. My frustration lifts as the speed, strength, and rhythm of my legs return. Another Om: On inhalation, I fill my body with acceptance of myself as an athlete and a human being in this moment. On exhalation, I remind myself to push comfortably with my breath, and I smile, joyful in this marvelous landscape. Soon, my ride is over, and I am in my running shoes, gliding along the course.

I am proud of my healthy body for responding exactly as I ask during each intense moment of this day. Some athletes pass me, and I pass others, with smiles and nonjudgment, as we explore the limits of the human body and spirit together. Now, the brilliant moon illuminates the finish line. The thrill of the achievement will break my meditation in just a few minutes, but in this moment, I have found my samadhi.