Sunday, June 7, 2009

Yoga:a means to simply get more out of life

There is a magic available to all of us; a magic of health, vitality, awareness, success fulfilment and a truly better way of life. This magic is Yoga and it offers us a means to simply get more out of life. This blog is our tiny contribution to the thousands of years of Yoga that precedes us in supporting a better quality of life. We are all children of the one universe, we are all members of the same world, and we are all deserving of love no matter what we have or have not done. We wish to show you the sciences of love, gratitude and life; all of which are an integral part of Yoga and have been since it was first documented some 2,000 years ago. We wish to show you that the Yogic way of life does not mean austere practices of detachment or social withdrawal. The greatest meditation of all is life. Walking down the street, meeting life face to face and learning truth is the deepest meditation. Some of the most magnificent testimonies to the creation of the universe can be seen in the depths, beauty and darkness of life on the street, just as it is seen in the great temples of the world. In this blog we journey through and beyond the physical elements of Yoga to explore the deeper riches of what it embraces. Our aim is to share with you a broader definition of Yoga, life and the universe while debunking myths and simplifying the teachings of Yoga. Yoga can benefit the homekeeper, spiritual aspirant or corporate suit. It can support, heal, confront and move us. It is pain and pleasure, it is stretching and contracting, it is active and passive—Yoga is simply a reflection of life. Underlying all of this is the belief that every individual has the right to live life to the fullest: enjoy the fruits of success, participate in relationships, interact socially and be fit and healthy. Every individual has the right to live an inspired and heart driven life. As you will see, the Yoga philosophy has this message, and it has been the same message for thousands of years. A full breath is a full life. Taking that breath to the edge is the practice of Yoga. It moves our career and relationships, and brings us success to the fullest. We hope that this blog helps you as our classes, seminars and training programs have helped others.