Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I am 30, is it too late to take up yoga?


I am not very flexible and have a very sedentary lifestyle.

I have been interested in Kundalini yoga for some time but never found the motivation to pursue it with passion.

Since most of the people I know who practice yoga have started in their childhood, I was wondering if it makes any sense for me to start at this age?

I have modified my diet substantially (vegan) but still do not exercise enough and as a result I don't feel that great.

Anyone who has gone through a similar phase?


I started yoga almost 8 years ago--at age 32.

I was never flexible, not even as a child, but I've made a lot of progress through practice yoga regularly at home and attending occasional classes as well.

I still don't have a lot of natural flexibility, but my body can do so much more now, things that I never thought I'd be capable of, such as wheel pose (backbend), headstand, crow (arm balance)--I even recently kicked up to handstand on my own for the first time ever, at age 40 :D !