Wednesday, March 10, 2010


What do you excersies do you prescribed to expediate realization of self?  

Hi Mark.. everyone is different, so what works for me might not be right for you. I've used a combination of many things, and have changed the mix over the years. My motto is "if it works, then do it. If it doesn't work, then forget it."

In this day and age, a complex one, many people find that a single path is too limiting, so they combine different traditions, taking aspects of wisdom and utility from a wide array of sources.

Tai Chi and hatha-yoga are popular. But I found that they only helped me along the road. They didn't take me all the way to my true self. Again, however, it might be different for somebody else. Physical exercise I think is important too. These days I walk. In the past I used to swim, run, and play squash. There are just so many things that one can do.

Feel free to follow up if you wish.