Saturday, March 6, 2010

things i see when i meditate

when i meditate i see people events  darkness a mist i talk and ask questions are they showing me things in answer to my questions i also see myelfself  

Hi, Lyn.

I think I understand what you are talking about - possible insights coming to you in the responses that you hear - and you are asking if these are real, valid.  It's like a dream, isn't it?  We dream something and sometimes it turns out to have something to do with reality and sometimes it's just random stuff.  At least for me it's impossible to know which it will be.

But sometimes I do have some insights about myself in a dream.  Certain energies open up and some images go along with it and I find that I'm a little different the next day.

The things you mentioned seem to have to do with concerns about yourself and your life and maybe other people that are part of your life.  When you meditate, do these concerns about your personal life every quiet down and you can enter into a simple presence with all of life as it is right now, around you and through you?  It can be helpful to wonder about the possibility of that.

Even when there is a lot of self concern going on, it is helpful to notice that right here there is the feel of the air, the sound of the fan, the chirp of birds outside, all of this completely independent of the story of my personal life and yet all of it very real, very simple, without problem, not needing to be fixed, solved, interpreted.

I hope this has addressed your question a little. Please feel free to write back if I wasn't clear about something or if you have other questions.  Or as you experiment with what I talked about.

Best wishes,
