Sunday, March 14, 2010

I can't describe the long...

I can't describe the long story, someone keep give me trouble, I asked many professionals, but their asnwer only make thing worse.

I don't know if I plant the seed, but I really want to start my own life, think positive don't help, he still try to take adventage of me, now I ask for spiritrual power, hope you can give some direction, thank you.

I am sorry to hear that someone is giving you trouble. By constantly looking to experts to solve your problem you will probably stay unhappy.

I advise you to sit quietly and seek within. If this does not help, you may want to find a spiritual leader or teacher. Try to learn practical techniques from the teacher; don't complain. If you can't find a teacher, try searching the Web for sites like .

I feel for you and I hope this advice will help.

David Spector