Saturday, March 13, 2010

My montra

what is your mind of "If you have not had your meditation checked in a year or more"  is this that I should do tm at least once a year?

and how I should recognize that the mantra is perfect for me or not at this time?

Alireza, You should do TM twice a day, morning and evening. You should also have your meditation checked by a qualified checker. Contact your TM teacher for information, or visit your local TM center. If you have not meditated for some time, it may be best to go for checking first, to ensure that you are meditating correctly.

Your mantra comes from an ancient tradition and is ideally suited to subtle states of thinking. It helps lead the mind to transcendental bliss consciousness and soothes the nervous system. You may sometimes feel that the mantra is incorrect, but that is an illusion caused by the release of stress during meditation.

If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to ask.
