Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Hey Reed, again I'm amazed at the quickness of a reply...again very thought-provoking. I

still have to mull over this a bit, but one thing stood out to me: How do I go about loving

myself? I often find myself being critical of things I am doing. Is self-love something that

just happens, or can it be facilitated? Have you read "Lazy man's Guide to enlightenment" by

Thaddeus Golas? It goes through the concept of self-love in great detail, but never explains

HOW I am supposed to do it! Is it just a decision you make? Sorry if I'm inconveniencing you

but now that I've come this far I've got to know the answer!

Thanks again

Hi Benjamin,

You're not inconviencing me...

I'm a little slower on the reply this time as two things came up.. sleep and work.... :)

No I haven't read Lazy mans guide to enlightment... Just the title itself speaks volumes... :)  And like you said... while many have a concept of what love is.... they lack the application....and hense... the experience... and the knowing...

They may have the intelect and knowledge of know to ride a bike... but they have never ridden one... never experienced it... so all they have is a concept... a vague generalization lacking specifics...     

To answer your questions I'll give you a link to my personal page..."my journey" at

From that site you can link to my other sites...

