Wednesday, March 10, 2010


? want to meditate but ? do not know how to do

it.? do not have the chance to see a private guru

or expert.?s ?t possible for you to describe

it online for it a matter of belief or

only a technique.thanks.

Psychological studies say that it doesn't matter whether we repeat a mantra like "one" "one" "one" or "aum" "aum "aum." Apparently the brainwaves measure up just the same--regardless of whether the mantra has spiritual connotations or not.

But that's just according to a western psychological approach, measuring brain activity from the outside, etc. My guess is that the inside experience does differ from person to person. Although "measuring" this really is problematic.

So your question about technique and belief is an excellent one. I tend to think that it's a bit of both. And more.

My own personal view is that there is God, creator of all, who is not just "the universe" but the creator of that universe. Theologians call this the "wholly other" approach to God. But that God, so I believe, can also be immanent. We can experience God through grace.

Others say that we can experience God through nature. But I tend to feel that this is a lower kind of beauty than the experience of grace. But most people wouldn't agree with me. They might see me as a religious elitist. But I would reply that I am simply saying it like I, myself, experience it.

Nor is my Christian faith just an experience of a "vortex", as some psychology-religion figures like Marianne Williamson,

for example, speak of. My Christian faith ?raises me up? above and beyond an experience of a "vortex." But she says many good and wise things too. I just differ on this point.

So now that you're aware of my particular path, I suggest you find one that works for you.

There are many different ways to meditate. I personally don't see any need for the old ways. I tend to go toward innovative ways. Really, meditation is an arbitrary term. It means something different to many different people.

I would suggest that you stay away from private gurus and try to focus on God. I had a private guru for a time and although I did learn some things there, it really became unhealthy and I had to literally convert to Catholicism to get free of the numinous grip which was conveyed through the guru. If you don't know what numinous means, please see my web page on the topic.

Many well-meaning people speak of the "Christ-Consciousness" as if all religions are the same and lead to the same thing. I myself am not so ready to assume that.

From my vantage point, meditating on an image of Krishna, Buddha, or Christ takes my consciousness to very different places.

Anyhow.. this is just a preliminary discussion of some of the complexities of your very wise question. My suggestion is to regularly pray to God for guidance. This may be a meditative prayer without the use of words, it may involve the use of words, or a combination of both. You may also find that you connect with God best while you're active. It likely differs for each individual.