Sunday, March 14, 2010

I have been teaching myself...

I have been teaching myself meditation. I find it centers me and keeps me in what I know is my reality. However, right now I'm basically clearing my mind (usually be picturing white) and thinking of a word or focusing on something. Putting all of my energy on that something. And I don't know where to go from here. I am 15 years old and in the hype of educating myself (homeschooler) trying to fix the world and still get a diploma, so the only time I usually get is in bed. So really I get a good 10 min. 15 tops before I fall asleep. I'd like to use it well. What do you thing is the next step that I should take? What are some other techniques?

Peace and many thanks

Hi, Kelsey.  

Thanks for your note.  It is interesting to hear what you've been experimenting with.

I find that the less I try to influence the mind, the more natural the meditative time feels.  I can understand that at first the mind may have a lot of confusion or turmoil and it may be helpful for a few moments to picture the whiteness, or blackness, or to tune in to the bodily feelings.

After a few minutes of this, maybe you can experiment with just letting whatever is happening be. This is really a radical thing.  Most of the time most of humanity is trying to manipulate things, either inside states of mind or outside things like other people or material things.  To just let go of that and to really notice sensitively what is really going on,without reacting to it or trying to make it different, reveals so much that we otherwise wouldn't know about ourselves.  It also opens us up into a deeper presence with our reality.

I would like to hear how this sounds to you and if you try it, how it goes.

Best wishes,
