Saturday, March 6, 2010

how do I improve my mind

I am a 33year old man who has struggled with learning. In college 10 years ago I tested for ADD and a reading disorder in comphrension.  I am always looking for ways to improve my mind. Can you offer any meditation that can use more of my brain, so I can improve focus,memory and creativity.

thank you

kevin murphy

Kevin.. I'm afraid this isn't my area of expertise. When I talk to people about meditation here it's usually geared towards seeing past personas, getting in touch with the spiritual self and so on. I'd suggest talking to your medical doctor about natural and healthy ways to improve focus, memory and creativity. Speaking only for myself, I find that a multi-vitamin and near-daily intake of red meat (along with vegetables) significantly increases my focus and concentration. I also function best when I exercise regularly (20-30 minute walk per day) and partake in the Eucharist (Catholic Mass). Coffee also helps me to focus. But, of course, these are just things that work for me. In my humble opinion, every individual is unique and has accordingly different needs. So again, I suggest checking in with your doctor and asking about healthy, sensible strategies that are right for you.