Saturday, March 6, 2010

Hello, how are you!


Hello, how are you!

How do you think is it possible to develop the sixth sense, or maybe just some people have it and others don't? Have you ever heard of people who made use of the sixth sense and did some extraordinary things? thanks!

Hi Luke? I was just working on an article about celibacy and came across a study which claims that meditation can build up the brain.

Just as a hockey player would build up certain areas of their brain and increase specialization of neural pathways through practice, the idea is that the same thing happens when one meditates. I'd have to look at the study more closely, though, to determine if it's a responsible one.

There's a psychic in America called Sylvia Browne who claims that some people are genetically pre-wired, as it were, to be more psychic than others.

There are numerous accounts of people doing extraordinary things. Some shamans claim to have actually created living beings, like a butterfly. Indian gurus claim to bi-locate. That is, be at two places at the same time. Others claim to have invested in the stock market and made money from ?remote viewing' future probabilities.

You might want to check out my article, called ?The New Age and Remote Viewing.? And also, skim through my more technical one, ?Intuitive Knowledge: Toward a Practical Theory of Knowing.? This latter article attempts to explain why mistakes can arise.

Best wishes,