I have lerned mantra meditation from deepak chopra as transcedental meditation is too much for my budjet. Are these same ? Any advice
dansa, Thank you for your question.
Your question is not clear. It seems to me that you are stating that you have learned a technique from Deepak Chopra and you wish to discuss it with me. Please let me know if I have misunderstood your question.
Any questions concerning techniques that you learned from Deepak Chopra should be directed to him. His instruction was in private directly to you. I am not a trained instructor of Primordial Sound or other techniques taught by Deepak Chopra, therefore I cannot advise you.
I can only discuss questions concerning meditation in general in this public forum. Anything else would not be professional.
I hope this brief answer has helped. Please feel free to submit followup questions, if needed.
David Spector