Friday, March 5, 2010


I was recently diagnosed with fibromyalgia.  It was recommended to me to begin yoga and meditation.  I do not have a full understanding of these concepts.  I have done a little research and downloaded tons of info on the yoga. Can you shed a little light on meditation for me?  I am only beginning.  Thank you!!!

Hi Bridgett,

Meditation is basically a method used to enable you to quite your mind and enter into a relaxed and altered state of consciousness. There are two paths or schools to Meditation. The most common is to use meditation to get to a place of peace and tranquility, away from the troubles and burdens of everyday life. Much like in the way people use alcohol, drugs, smoking, work, sex or whatever to distract themselves from their issues.

The other path is far less traveled and one that I am on, and that is to use meditation to find the source and causes of ones problems and issues and there by resolve and end them.

If you would like to know more or "how to" meditate, I can help you there also. The method is basically the same for each path; it is only the intent that is different.
