Friday, March 5, 2010

black dot

Hi James,

I have been mediating daily for 7 months. It has been very healing for me. However, I have a question regarding a "black dot" I see in my minds eye during mediations. Sometimes, this dot will appear and quickly disappear and sometimes it will remain for about 10 seconds which is followed by a blissful wave of energy or vibration throughout my body. Have I made contact with my higher self or could this be the rise of kundalini energy? Thank you for your help!

Dear Sabrina

How samadhi (bliss) looks to people varies. In tuning in to your aura, what I perceive is that you are seeing the opening of a higher level of consciousness. It really isn't black, it is such a higher vibration that is how your mind interprets it. The next time it happens, visualize it is a doorway and see if you can go through it. Your experience happens only for very advanced light beings. It is good to experience you. Namaste!