Friday, March 5, 2010


I am a 42 years old man who can not concentrate in anything he does. For example If I am in a movie I will bo thinking in everuthing but the picture in the screen. If I watch TV the same problem. If I am reading a book I can read 3 pages and notice that meanwhile I was thinking in everything but the reading.

Please tell me any exercice to get concentrated in what I am doing, whatever it is.

Hi Aurax,

Sorry for the delay but you'll understannd why in a moment. It's interesting that you are asking me this questions as I'm also going through similar but different issues. In order to respond to your question I had to go into my issues. My issue is focusing on writing my second manyscript. I have a good start, a couple of hundred pages but there are so many pieces to put together that are all inter-related, that I've become frustrated and so lack foucus or even desire to continue.

I'm going to use the word you but it also applies to me. The first thing that came to mind was, what issue or emotions are you trying to avoid by doing sommething else as a distraction? Or what emotions, or what issues are you thinking of, that is distracting you from the other things that you are wanting to do?   These are two opposite polarities, opposite ends of the teeter -totter.

The next thing that came up was the issue of fear. Fear that you're going to get something that you don't want or fear that you are going to lose something that you don't want to lose. Both od these fears are based on imprints and programs and while I used the word fear, I  felt that's fear is rather a mild word, as what I'm feeling is holy TERROR.

While these are thoughts of where to look, it is not solving the real issues, as to do that, I'm going to really have to find, feel and express my terror. I know I haven't answered your question, but I hope I have given you some food for thought. If you have any thoughts or ideas you'd like to share you know where you can reach me.
