Saturday, March 6, 2010


Hi Michael,I have been practising so ham spinal breath meditations almost a year.I read about its principles and benefits in one of Swami Satchananda's books.I have been meditating long term and was doing a more qigong type, centred on the dan tien just below the navel.The spinal breath doesnt seem so deep,my question is, is it doing things and restructuring on subtle level,irrespective of the subjective depth,so therefore I should continue.Otherwise my tendancy is for the experience of stillness and depth.

  Looking forward to your reply ,charles.

Charles... my own perspective is that we're created as individuals and paths that suggest otherwise might be obscuring the path back to the true self. But that's just my view. You may or may not agree.

Because I regard you as an individual, I would suggest that you follow your own inner feeling on this. If something feels contrary to what you want then perhaps let it go. If something is in sync with and facilitates what you want, then you might continue with it. IMHO it's really not so complicated. I tend to shy away from all the pseudo-scientific mystico lingo. Mainly because I think a lot of it is extremely biased and limiting. Along those lines, I don't fully believe in the chakra system. I just see that as one particular philosophy. An ancient one, to boot. And I don't necessarily see the ancients as any wiser than we are today.

So again, I suggest that you use your own judgment. In my view one person's cup of tea might be another's poison. I myself am beginning to view all of life as a moving meditation. So I'm not really sitting down and doing traditional disciplines on a regular basis any more. Although I still practice aspects of hatha yoga, tai chi and Christian contemplation when it feels right. IMHO it's all about being flexible and adapting to the changing requirements of modern times.