Monday, March 1, 2010

about revising TM technique and location of centres in Kathmandu, Nepal

dear sir, i had been tnititiated to the technique of TM about 12 years ago. i have been practising TM on and off and have also tried various other meditations and pranayams such as sudarshan kriya, vipassana that i have stoped my so called spiritual shopping i have started the practise of TM once again. but i am not able to find any contact or local centre in kathmandu where i can revise the technique. i dont knwo wehther there are any centres affilliated with maharishi at all over here.can u please tell me about the TM Siddhi Programme also and how it is different form this a next step for TM meditators?

where and how can i learn this?

Sarvesh, Thank you for your question.

Yes, there ought to be a Transcendental Meditation centre in Kathmandu. For example, describes someone who learned TM in Kathmandu in March, 2007. That person can certainly tell you the location of the centre. You can also visit and use a tool there to find the centre. You could also contact Maharishi Nagar in India and find out from them (Maharishi Nagar, Noida-Dadri Road, Gautam Buddha Nagar, UP 201 304).

The TM program, as you know, reduces mental activity and increases pure consciousness. It is a technique of mental rest. The TM-Sidhi Program (note the unusual spelling), is very different. It is an advanced program that requires one to have practiced the TM program enough to become familiar with inner silence. The TM-Sidhi program makes the silence move with waves of activity. Putting it another way, it brings pure consciousness out into activity. It results in the quicker release of stress, in quicker purification of the nervous system. You can learn more about the TM-Sidhi program at various websites hosted by Maharishi's organizations in your area. Visit to search for these sites.

Good luck in finding what you need. Enjoy!

David Spector