Monday, March 1, 2010

third eye?

Having lost my eldest son I called out silently for help and guidance. Within minutes bitterly cold air as if blown through a drinking straw patterned an eliptical design on my forehead, first one way then the other. Since then I appear to see and be aware of a relationship of personal and worldly matters and   very much believing in another world. The story as you can appreciate is not one for telling except in searching to find if others have experienced similiar happenings that you may know of. Kind regards Tom.

Hi Thomas, I haven't come across accounts of an elliptical design as described but I have received several questions from people believing that they've had some kind of sign or premonition about the impending passing of a loved one. Others believe they can feel the presence of a loved one when they need help or even at the most mundane of times. But most would admit that we can't really be certain whether this is some kind of imagination trick, wish-fulfillment, etc. My motto on these matters is that it's always healthy to place a question mark after any such claims. But a question mark doesn't mean "no." It just means "we can't be 100% certain."

My suggestion is to keep calling out for help and guidance and be open to the many ways (inner and outer) in which God can lead us along our unique paths. In theological terms this is called the process of 'discernment.' Discernment means discovering what is from God and what isn't.

I hope this helps.