Monday, March 1, 2010


QUESTION: I need to know how to use the knowledge of my higher form while still fully aware and able to work in this form - How do I do this

ANSWER: Hi, Chris.

We need to establish a common vocabulary here in order to explore this.  Could you please write back and say a little more about what the terms "higher form", "this form" and "fully aware" mean to you.  Feel free to take some time to consider what these mean to you so you can write about it clearly.

I will look forward to hearing back.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------


I do apologize fornot being clear in my last communication and look forward to looking forward to you as well.

I have a problem with "higher form" - I have an inner self with all the collective knowledge of all my past lives along with a capacity for accelerated learning simply unmatched by my present form. It works like a well - if you dig deep enough in the right place you will hit water ( usually clean  seeing as the dirt acts as a filter but not always ). I am sarching for the inner water ( knowledge ) I posess. The problem is if I meditate deeply I cannot work effectively at the same time , I have to go into an altered state of mind where I need to have a laser focus on the question I want anwsered. I cannot do this and still concentrate on the task at hand. How can I go into the meditation state and stay their while still fully alert and able to respond to events around me.

Hi, Chris.

This work of meditative inquiry is by nature a clarifying of what we mean by the words we use, so you certainly don't have to feel bad about clarifying your communication and I certainly don't have any judgment about the need to do it. It's what we all need to do again and again and again.

I think I have a better idea of what you are talking about now.  You're talking about a reservoir of knowledge and abilities that you've noticed is available but only under certain conditions or in certain situations.  Is that right?

You are observing that there is a certain quality of "goodness" or "rightness" about this reservoir, or maybe we can say there is a certain creativity and intelligence to it that is different from our usual state of mind.  Maybe you have also noticed that there is a love and affection to this reservoir.

You are able to access this reservoir in a certain limited way, if I understand what you're saying.  You can focus sharply on a question that you want answered and this seems to take you into this reservoir but I think you are saying that when you let go of that process and come back in touch with the world around you, the access to the reservoir is gone.

Perhaps you are wondering how to expand the process you have  discovered so that it's accessible in "normal" life.  This may not quite be the right question.  At least whatever it is that you are trying to get at may not be in the form you expect.  It is good to enter into this exploration not knowing what you are looking for or how to get there.

So let's start from scratch.  Does it make sense to you on some level if I say that this intelligent, affectionate wisdom mind is here all the time - it is in reality what the whole world, the whole universe is - but that it is covered up by something?  So we can really start to wonder about how such a marvelous thing can be covered up or distorted by something.  We can start to watch it all very carefully.  Raising such questions and then observing without any goal but just observing in order to discover the truth, no matter how that truth might affect me personally.  The term "the bitter truth" comes to mind.

We can ask and observe what is it that covers up the truth.  In sitting quietly it becomes very clear that most of the time the mind is embroiled in noisy thinking.  The thinking may be the rehashing of the days events or it may be trying to solve problems or it may be railing against the injustice of my life, etc.  If in quiet sitting one is not focusing or trying to maintain or achieve a certain state of mind, then what is really going on - the bitter truth - is revealed simply.  It may not be what I wanted or what I think I am but it is the truth at this moment.

This observation, when it is not rooted in a goal or an agenda, when I am not trying to become something grand, or something at all, when my needs, goals, abilities, history have all been set aside because they interfere with seeing what is here, then this observation, this open, still presence, is itself the wisdom mind and by losing oneself in this deeply again and again, the nature of this wide open loving, intelligent spaciousness begins to clarify itself in this body/mind.  And in this space the nature of what shuts down this intelligence also begins to be seen more clearly and in a very effortless, natural way, the mind ceases to go into energies that are clearly seen to be not helpful.

At this moment, as you sit in front of  your computer, reading these words, perhaps some of which I have not been very clear with, some of which resonate, at this moment, feeling the weight of the body on the chair, the movement of air in the room, the sound of the fan, the stillness behind the sounds, light coming into the room through the windows opening out onto the world, at this moment is anything missing?  Is there any need to be something, to understand, or is everything just simply here, as it is, in intelligence and love - fresh, new, a moment to moment expression of unfathomable creativity?

Please write back about things that I've written that I haven't been very clear about or about questions that come up from this.

Best wishes,
