Monday, March 1, 2010

I’m very confused

Hello David,

My name is Christopher, and I?ve had visions since I was a child. My visions come to me in dreams, when I have a vision I come into this reality during my dream where I am unable to decipher my dream from reality. My visions range from small events in my family to global events that I shouldn?t have any knowledge about. I wouldn?t be writing you, but I?ve yet to find one of my visions to not come true.

I?m concerned about some of my visions, because when I have visions about global instances it normal starts or follows with a panic attack. See I only have vision out side of my family about death. Back in 2003 I had a vision that I was reading a new paper and on the cover I could see an explosion and a date. The date was Feb 29 the last leap year, well I keep on having this vision so much that I finally wrote an office in the Government about what I was see. Well as Feb 29th came around there was a huge explosion that killed 30 people.

This even happened about fifty miles away from me out in the ocean when an ethanol tanker exploded. Thank God, no one paid any attention to the letter I wrote, because if someone had, I?m sure they would have been at my door the next day.

This is just one example of hundreds of vision. So what my question is, Is there a way to learn how to control what I see, maybe even block out an event I?ve see my whole life that I?m praying to God will not come true?

Thank you for your time David, I look forward to reading you answer.  


Some time has passed since I answered your question, and I am curious to know if my answer was helpful.

David Spector