I am a 42 years old man who can not concentrate in anything he does. For example If I am in a movie I will bo thinking in everuthing but the picture in the screen. If I watch TV the same problem. If I am reading a book I can read 3 pages and notice that meanwhile I was thinking in everything but the reading.
Please tell me any exercice to get concentrated in what I am doing, whatever it is.
I tend to be of the school that no single answer is sufficient for something like distraction and concentration. It's possible that we're distracted for a good reason, even though it can be unpleasant. But that doesn't mean we should give up on trying to concentrate better if that's what we want.
Myself, I find that Christian contemplation and receiving the Eucharist at the Catholic Mass does wonders for my ability to focus and get work done. If I invest a bit of time and go to Church, I'm "paid back" way more than the original investment. If Christianity is not for you, then I would explore some other religious path. And if you don't feel comfortable with group worship, then yes, there are some additional meditative techniques that might help. One is just being still and breathing in? and then out? slowly, listening to and ?watching' your breath as you breathe. I wouldn't worry too much about the body posture or style of breathing, just as long as both are relaxed and natural. Doing this should help to center you. But I wouldn't suggest doing this to the extent of feeling spaced out or alienated. I don't see much value in that.
I periodically do yoga postures and Tai Chi stretches to loosen up parts of my body as required. It all works together. I also watch my nutrition and walk at least 30 minutes per day. Vitamins are especially good for the neocortex, the most recent - in evolutionary terms - part of the brain that thinks. So perhaps try to eat fruits and vegetables. Moreover, I find that eating red meat is a huge benefit when it comes to concentration. I went through a vegetarian stage and, frankly, it didn't do me any good. So if you are OK with eating red meat, I'd suggest doing so.
In short, worship God and care for your body, which is the temple of the soul. If you do these things, I suspect that your concentration will improve.