Hi James!
You are always so quick with a reply. Thank you. OK, so it's kundalini energy....Now I have another question. One time I was meditating and the black dot appeared, I then felt the urge to begin deep breathing, I smelled a beautiful floral scent and I felt hot energy rise from my root chakra up to my crown and then my crown chakra expanded and a flood of energy entered my body. It was wonderful, beautiful, pure love. I'm not sure how long it lasted as it seemed I was in "no time"(perhaps 30-40 seconds). I thought that was kundalini...perhaps it was something more. It was wonderful...I wish I could do it again. Do you have any insight into what that may have been...did my higher self anchor into my 3D body? I never really thought of myself as advanced but I do try hard, thank you for the compliment.
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Hi James,
I have been meditating for quite some time fact you have answered a question of mine before. Anyway, during my meditations my head is getting hot....umm really hot. In my minds eye I do still see a black dot, as well as, white sparks of light and purple now. The heat is getting intense. What's going on? Thank you for your help :)
Hi Sabrina
What you describe sounds like Kundalini energy. Imagine that you have a beam of light going from your root chakra down into the center of the Earth like the root system of a giant oak tree. Then imagine a beam of light going from your chrown chakra to the source of all that is, was and will be (God). Then widen the beam until the heat goes to Spirit and into the center of the earth. It is rare that people generate that kind of energy so soon, but we both know you are pretty advanced.
Hi Sabrina
Yes, that was Kundalini energy, which most people associate with sexual energy, but actually is energy of the God and Goddess integrating into the physical body. You are very perceptive. Just imagine the joining of your male and female energies at your root chakra going up each chakra until it flows out of your crown chakra into your Christ Consciousness. Don't over do it, it can cause brain damage. Be gentle with yourself.