Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I don't dream

Hello James,

I can not remember a time that I ever had a dream.  People tell me that I do dream, but I don't remember them.  If I don't dream or remember them is it possible for someone like me to develop spiritually.  I mean I want to develop as a psychic, a healer and I want to learn divination and other things.  I would love to meditate and be able to travel on an astral plane or meet my angels, higher self or guides, but since I don't dream, I think this may be difficult or impossible.  What can I do to achieve these things because every book and so on is saying I need to meditate but I am afraid meditation may be difficult for me.  Are there other things that I can do to develop or am I fighting a loosing battle?


Hi Nicole

I also recommend that you meditate, just get some guided meditation tapes and listen to them by yourself. As far as remembering your dreams, say to yourself as you fall asleep that you want your mental body to come and record your dream. When you wake up you will remember the dream.