Friday, March 5, 2010


Hi , i have spent a significant sum of money to learn Tm and Tm Sidhi (flying course ) . After i have learned everything , i felt a bit disappointed and cheated because there is really no such thing as flying but only hopping around by putting some effort on our part .

Before i took the course , the tm teachers refused to elaborate in detail about the flying part of the course and students are not allowed to participate in the group meditation with those who have learned the flying course . Everything was so secretive . But now , after having paid and learned the flying course , i can join the other meditators who have learned the flying course and i am disappointed to see nobody can actually fly or float in the air . They just hop around the mattress and sweat like hell at the end of the meditation .

My question is , have you seen anybody fly ? Can you fly ?

Alan , Thank you for your question.

I hope you won't be offended if I say that I am surprised at your attitude. You should have learned on the TM-Sidhi course that the value of the flying technique is not that one levitates but that one learns how to act on the subtlest level of creation, just this side of Transcendence. You should have learned that the hopping is not the result of sweat and effort, but just the opposite. Sidhi hopping is completely effortless, resulting from the faintest impulse of desire held within the boundless silence. If you are not experiencing this, you should go for checking and continue getting checked until you truly understand how to act effortlessly.

No, I have never seen anyone levitate or fly, including myself. I doubt that anyone has. But you're missing the point. It doesn't matter!

What people (including myself) experience in the flying technique is boundless joy. It makes it all worthwhile, even the unnecessary secretiveness and the other flaws in Maharishi's organizations.

David Spector