Monday, March 1, 2010


QUESTION: Hi, I've been meditating for some years now, and even though I'm only 15, I find myself at quite a high level (i suppose because i have nothing much to do apart from study) and a few months ago, i started experiencing "visions". at first i thought it was a play of my imagination, but then it grew stronger and clearer, and now its almost like I'm watching it on a television. Its quite disturbing, what I see, I'll give some examples:


a girl tied near the end of a forest to a standing pole, (standing up herself) - tied by the neck. she's alive and screaming as this thing, literally pulls the pole out of the ground and drags her away. then i see a dark place and the i can smell something really bad and rotten. then i see a man and woman who are praying and the man pretends to see this girl, and says she's aright, and that she will be back "Half the time your age will mellow" I mean, he says it every time i see him in this "vision".

(2) A man is sitting on a wooden throne of sorts and he  is infront of these men. one goes up to him with two books and tells him his secret is out, and he must now honour his deal. the man looks at the books and says no. suddenly there is this earthquake thing, and the entire place is engulfed into the earth, save one baby who dies anyway.


this one is about me, and i think this is my imagination, but i always feel weird after - in this one i am drowning. the sun is above me and head is tilted upwards. i feel entirely at ease and even though there are clouds in the sky, the sunlight manages to reach me 100%. my lungs are suffocating, and i actually feel unable to breathe when i get this "vision", and so i tend to end my meditation short of five minutes - i just cant consciously let my lungs not breathe.

those are my strongest and most frequent "visions" (in order, 1 being the most) please help me. thank you in advance


I once asked Chatral Rinpoche ( a similiar question.  He said:  "Don't get attached"

Visions and mystical experiences have little to do with realization.  Realization only comes from knowing your own nature which is luminous and free.  

Who is it who has the vision?  Try to see him.  Try to witness the mind in its own pure knowing.  

Do not confuse the mirror with its reflections.  Visions are only reflections.  

Can you see the mirror?  Can you see the Seer?

Don't try to stop your visions, but don't follow them.  

Find the viewer, all embracing universal consciousness, who will never deceive you.

That's my advice.  

I would recommend finding a living master if possible to deepen your studies if you feel that kind of connection.

Please tell me which state you live in and I might be able to make some suggestions.  One of Chatral Rinpoche's best students lives in Marin, CA. near San Francisco, his name is Lopon Jigme.

Thanks for writing,  and I hope my answer was helpful.  Please feel free to follow up with more questions.


The Zen Teaching of Huang Po

Po, Huang (Author) Blofeld (Editor) Blofeld, John Eaton Calthorpe (Translator)

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Um I live in the UK rather than the States, and i do thank you for your answer.

But if I, The Viewer am staring into my heart and Soul, where can My Heart and Soul Take me?  

I thought of some questions to ask that might help you to see who is there experiencing these things.

Who experiences the heart and soul?  Is the experiencer, the knower knowing (of the heart/soul) large or small, bright or dark, green or yellow etc...or?

Look into the heart soul.

Is the experiencer there old or young?

Is the experiencer there stationary or moving?

Is the experiencer there in time or outside of time?

Is the experiencer material or immaterial.

Who witnesses the experiencer?
