Saturday, February 27, 2010


Hello john,I am Abhishek.I am 21 years of age.Since a very long time say about 5 years i've been noticing that i get tensed alot without any reason and i get highly anxious even when the situation calls for no anxiety.I have heard alot that meditation helps a person in keeping control on the mind and gaining positivity.I am also a very big negative thinker.Can you suggest me some ways related to meditation or yoga that can help me out to ease this problem or to reduce the level of anxiety and negative thinking.i am ready to try out every possible thing i can.



Hi Abhishek

I’ve recently published a book called “Journeys from the Heart Centre” - Meditation as a tool for healing and self-empowerment. It’s a free ebook and you can download it at this link..  Unlike other meditations that are based in denial, this one is the opposite... non denial...

