Sunday, February 28, 2010

vision during meditation

During a guided meditation I was imagining a meadow and out of the blue a person approached me.  This person was my wife.  She had long hair (her hair is currently short) she wore a white gown and had a extreme sense of peace about her.  She told me that she loved me and no matter how hard i tried to get her out and focus on the instructor she was there until the end.  At the end she hugged and kissed me, told me she loved me and as she walked away she said that we would be together soon.  It was like a dream but so real.  More importantly my wife and I have been separated for a couple months now.  What does it mean?

Dear Jeremy

Who knows? Perhaps you will reconcile, perhaps you were meeting her higher self and now realize that maybe she isn't as bad as you think. I don't do dream or vision analysis very well. The same thing means different things to different people. The color blue may mean a lot of things. Maybe you were smothering her, maybe she was too emotional, maybe she is a frigid bitch. That is why only you know what it means.