Sunday, February 28, 2010


Do I have the Right Idea of meditation? There Are times in my life when I have stopped thinking, and looked around me, and became amazed at the awareness of simply being there. This must be what Thich Nhat Hahn spoke of in his writings, it is obvious, but is there something more than that? And also, why does the natural tendency of a man resist this so much? Am I meditating when I do this, just becoming aware of my surroundings? Nothing could be simpler, yet It is so hard to keep doing. My mind just does't want to slow down and do this.

There is more than this.  Awareness of being aware is the gateway to transcendental being.  When you recognize that the objects mere appearance is insubstantial, your getting warm.

Resistance, is a function of habit.  We have an innate habit of ego fixating on appearance as real.

You are meditation when you rest your mind in bare attention.  But insight into the source is the final frontier.
