Sunday, February 28, 2010


QUESTION: Hi, I have been meditating for a couple of years now. The technique I learned is to focus on my lower belly and attempt to concentrate on the gentle sensations of my breath as I inhale, retain the breath, exhale and hold again in a ratio of 1:1:1:1 (or something like it).  When my concentration moves from my breath I gently focus again on the area just below my naval. This is all I do during meditation.  I was told not to worry about doing it 'right' and that sitting with eyes closed was bennefitial in itself, even without any intentional 'meditation'.

I used to think I was making some sort of progress. I used to feel all kinds of sensations during meditation and when I finally emerged I would feel deeply relaxed and almost as though I had smoked cannibis.  I'm not sure if this was a good sign but it felt glorious and was a good incentive to continue.  

These days I feel a bit like I have lost contact with what I had then.  I seem to loose concentation and get caught up in thoughts more than I used to and that 'stoned' feeling has almost gone.  I'm not sure whether I should interpret this as progress (having realised a restless mind that was there all along) or as a step back (having lost the concentration I had previously).

Any advice would be greatly appreciated :)


ANSWER: Hi Mark,

There are two forms of meditation...

1) Denial based meditation... where your intent is to forget all your cares and worries and just drift off to La LA Land.. like you were stoned.

2) Non Denial based meditation... where your intent is to find and heal any problems and issues that you have...

Now that you know you have a choice, you have to choose what feels right for you. If finding your bliss and forgetting all your stress is what turns your crank, then there are tons of meditation tapes and "how-to" books out there that practice denial based meditation that will help you achieve that state.

If on the other hand you want to heal your issues, there is a problem... as unfortunately, I don't know of any books or tapes that teach you the non-denial based meditation and healing techniques, and my book is not ready yet to be published on the web. It's written, but it needs proof reading and to be put into a PDF format.

If you are interested in the non denial based meditation, I can give you the basic techniques to get you started on your journey, but that needs to be in the form of an e-mail attachment as it is far too long to post here.  If I don't hear from you, then I will know your choice...


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you for your quick response.  I would be greatful for any advice you can give me.  There seem to be so many techniques and styles of meditation that I sometimes feels a bit lost among them but am open to all advice :)  I'm not sure if the site gives you my email address it is

Thank you

Hi Mark,

I'm embarrassed to say that I can't send you the material on meditation.  When I went to get the files for you, I was shocked that they were still the old files, and not the finished ones... I haven't really looked at my files for a couple of months. I've been having intermittent problems with my computer and fearing a failure, I've been backing up my work to an external hard drive .. I checked my back up files and they are the same as my computer.  

I don't know where the finished ones are. They may be filed in another file, or maybe they have been deleted ... and that tics me off as that was a lot of work.... I have your email address, and as soon as I find them... or if I have to re-do them.... Arrgggggggggggg, I'll send you a copy.
