Friday, February 26, 2010


I was reading one of your previous answers and is it true that mantras dont really work? I mean like mantras to have an actually affect on reality like the supposed to? Is it possible to reach a point where they work?

Jeffrey, Thank you for your question.

I didn't say that mantras don't work. I said that they are only of value as a vehicle for meditation.

It's a little like driving a car. You need the car, but you also need to know how to drive. Otherwise, you're going nowhere.

In any effective transcending technique, two things are necessary: an effective mantra and the effective method for using the mantra mentally.

If you have one without the other, you're going nowhere.

I hope this brief answer has helped. Please feel free to submit follow up questions, if needed. If you would like more information on transcending techniques, see or

David Spector


NSR Meditation/USA