Sunday, February 28, 2010

How do I get into this field?

Hi and thanks for being available to answer my questions.  I have a degree in political science and a work history over the last ten years in corporate sales.  I currently find myself between jobs and do not look forward to the idea of returning to sales.

At one time I considered law school, but that is no longer practical at age 39 with a family and a mortgage.

I have begun looking at the possibility of becoming a conflict mediator, or a conflict resolution specialist/arbitrator.  I believe it is a field that I would enjoy and could be quite successful in.  My questions are:

(1) What would be the best way to get started?

(2) Do I need another degree?

(3) What would you recommend as my first step?

Thank you very much for your time!


Dallas, TX

Dear Josh

Mediators are certified by various state regulatory boards, whether it is the state bar or some other government agency. The first step is to get information on how to get certified. You do not need any degree, only to be trained and certified. So check online or in the yellow pages for mediator training/certification.

Good luck!!