Sunday, February 28, 2010

Thought or Spirit

Hello Michael

I have been trying meditation and after listening to Sylvia Browne on CD I believe I found my Spirit guide Thomas. How can I be sure whether I am truely meditating or putting thoughts into my own head. I really struggle to let my mind roam free I seem to be in a thousand places at once and concentrating is very hard. Can you possibly suggest how I can find silence and peace to meditate.

Thank you for your time.


Hi Shani, IMHO it's good that you're questioning the validity of your guide. I think that's very healthy and it's something that is highly recommended by almost all of the major mystics in different world traditions. Since you're trying to go inside, I think you might also ask if the guide, assuming it's not a product of your imagination, is a spirit acting as a messenger for God or for evil. This might sound "paranoid" to some but most genuine mystics say that the evil one can mimic good angels, and even appear as a good angel, when in fact the spirit is not good. So I suggest you just keep that in mind. The way to tell the difference is called "discernment" (at least, that's what Catholic theology calls it).

As for how to find silence and peace, I feel that this isn't something that can be forced, and everyone must find their own path. I suggest you just try different techniques. Some people need physical stretching (i.e. yoga or tai chi) or exercise (like walking or jogging) while others just repeat a mantra. Myself, I feel that calling on God is the best way to meditate because it guards against spacing out on what C. G. Jung called an "archetype" or getting lost in some kind of deceptive "no-mind" that can obscure the true personal self that God has given you.

I guess what I'm saying is that the "numinous" powers that can come thru meditation are potentially powerful and diverse. So it's good to (a) be critical and (b) do it with some kind of experienced guide to monitor your progress/experiences.

Without an experienced guide/spiritual director, it's possible that you could get lost in an inner forest, which would not be good!

I hope these suggestions help!