Saturday, February 27, 2010


Hi!My name is Natasha.I want to ask something about meditation.I have bin practicing meditation everyday for 8 months and I haved good results.I haved fobija from lot of thinks and I was very deprest a 2 years.But now im not practising everyday.I staped with exuses that I dont have enought time.Now a started  again 2 weeks every day.I stil cant se good results but I now that is early for that. My guestion is Imliving in Denmark.Im caming from Makedonija.So somethims is very boring hier for me and I wont to go home.But Iwant to stay and exept hier everything all changes.CAn I doit if Im practising regulary meditation.I wont to start to exept the things like they are not like I wont to be.Somethims what I wont is not good for my future.Please answer me.Can I will exept the changes.

Hello Natasha,

Thank you for your question. After reading your question, I am going to attempt to answer the question I believe you are asking. First of all significant changes in one's life can be difficult to integrate because change does take us out of our comfort zone. Secondly change can throw us out of balance if we do not have support structures in place to assist us in managing change. For example, having family and friends to listen to your concerns and provide objective support for your situation and circumstances can prove very beneficial.

Meditation can most certainly support you in understanding the reasons you are experiencing difficulty in adjusting to your new surroundings. As you continue your practice, consider not placing any expectations on what you believe you should be experiencing during  your meditation. But rather, simply begin with a question such as "What do I need to feel more supported here in Denmark?" From there listen to the answers that present themselves without judgement. Write the answers down as they come. Ask the question in 3 separate meditation sessions to see which answers are consistent. After the third session, evaluate each answer. Ask if they are truly suggestions you can implement. If so, see how you can implement them into your current situation to help you adjust to your new surroundings.

I do hope you find your place there in Denmark. I also hope the information I have provided will be of support. I do wish you the best and should you have additional questions, please do ask. May you be be well.

Warmest regards,

Coninyah B. Dew L.Ac., M.S.O.M.

Acupuncture Stress and Pain Management Practices