Sunday, February 28, 2010

What exactly is meditation?

I'v heard that to meditate you must clear your mind. That seems to be the hardest thing. How does one do that?

I'm trying to use meditation to get myself together - i mean learn how to relax and not take things so close to heart. I'm quite an emotional person and sometimes get too involved in the things that are in my life at a certain time.

Any advice?

Hi Patricia,

Thanks for considering me and apologies for not responding on time.

What is Meditation?

It is a technique to reach a stage when there is no mind (no thoughts) to be precise the conscious mind, the mind which keeps thinking. So when there is no mind what will happen? Good question, the experience is different at each time for the same person who is meditating.The goal should be to experience that stage.

Clearing one's mind is difficult at first. Thoughts will just come to your mind every now and then. Your goal is to be aware of when thoughts popup in your mind. To know this, first set your attention on one thing, I recommend the following meditation technique.

Sit straight wherever you want and take THREE deep breaths. Let your belly be full of breath when you inhale and empty the belly when you exhale. Return to normal breathing; now watch the breath for a minute. Just witness your incoming breath and out going breath, see what is happening when you breathe. This technique is to create just one thought which the thought of your breath. Even if there are thoughts about persons or places jut ignore the thoughts.Because mind is very cunning,it will inject one thought and we will create a chain of thoughts by having one thought, so be prepared. Increase the duration by a minute each day and see how long you can sit by yourselves without creating thoughts. Do not expect something to happen or even if something happens just witness it, do not judge or arrive at a conclusion on any experience or do not try to get same experience each day, just watch the breath.

Also affirm these positive statements as soon as you get up in the morning and also go to bed.

"I am lovable, I love everyone, even if someone hurts me, my intelligence will help me to forgive the person. Forgiveness is God and God will take care of my problems".

Remember, you cannot change for someone else , so is someone. So do not expect other person to change to make your comfortable. You should make yourself comfortable and the path is meditation and affirmative prayers.

Let me know how you are progressing.