Sunday, February 28, 2010


Hi,Mr. Dew

Many regards

After your permission,Id like to ask some questions:

1-can one meditate while lying with eyes close, or must sit with aposture and focus ones eyes on a certain object?

2-is meditation focusing on something trying to see what is beyond the tangible or just releasing the mind from bothering thoughts?

3-is self-hypnosis and mental imagery considered some kind of meditation?

thanks alot


Hello Samer,

Thank you for your questions. There are many different positions in which to meditate. What's most important is the intention set forth before beginning the meditation session. Certain postures lend themselves to better alignment with your intention. Having said that, you certainly can lie down with your eyes closed or in a sitting posture while focusing on a particular object. In the first case, it can be difficult to maintain awareness without falling asleep. Falling asleep could mean several things: 1) you're very tired or 2) your meditation is bringing to the surface issues needing to be addressed but you are not ready to acknowledge.

To your second question: meditation can be worked with as a practice with both intentions. Meditation with intention often allows the practitioner to see beyond what it tangible. It can also provide clarity to circumstances right in front of you. The interesting thing is, through meditation, you may notice the mind begins to heighten in activity but you begin to allow the thoughts to pass without judgement. But rather, the thoughts pass without clinging to them. So both are possible. However, through meditation, you begin to notice greater alignment with your own inner guidance.

In terms of question three: I can not speak to self hypnosis as I am unfamiliar with this practice. I can say that mental imagery is very much a type of meditation especially if you find yourself to be a visual person. Mental imagery can assist with bringing you to a place of understanding yourself, your motivations, and how others/circumstances affect your ability to stay clear and focused.  

I do hope you have found this information helpful. Should have additional questions, please let me know. I do wish you all the best.


Coninyah B. Dew L.Ac., M.S.O.M.

Acupuncture Stress and Pain Management Practices