Saturday, February 27, 2010

Spiritual Guru

Hi Michael,

I was reading about spiritual guru's but I really can't quite get what I want to know. Can Spiritual Guru's help us in meditation?

Also, do they teach clients how to astral project and do remote viewing?

Thank you so much in advance! :)

Hey Rachel... yes I guess they can help in the ways you mention but at the same time I'd be very, nay EXTREMELY cautious before getting into a guru-disciple relationship. It seems that there's so much room for ego, bias and abuse on the part of the guru. Some of them likely do have unusual abilities but many ex-disciples have said that some gurus try to make a clone of themselves in their disciples. And this, in my view, is not good.

I think a real guide or mentor would help a person to fully become themselves. And I also think that at some stage in our journey we have to relate to God on our own terms and not be overly influenced by any kind of guru or, for that matter, artificially constructed body of religious teaching.

This is not to say that a teacher or teachers cannot be of use. But I'm just saying that we should let Life itself and, of course, God be our teacher. That way everything that happens to us may be meaningful and we can learn from it, grow and become better people. As St. Paul put it, all those unusual experiences are meaningless without genuine, selfless Love.

I hope this helps.