Sunday, February 28, 2010


HI i was wondering what is the diference between meditation and OBE'S (Out of Body Experience) and how does obe's work??

jimmie, Thank you for your question.

Although your question is an interesting one, it really does not relate to the kinds of meditation in my field of expertise.

Natural Stress Relief (NSR) leads the mind and body to a fourth major state of consciousness in only a few minutes of effortless mental practice. This new state of consciousness brings deep rest that allows the body to release all the stress accumulated each day. With the stress gone, we feel refreshed and ready to be more productive, intelligent, and loving in our daily life.

If this intrigues you, I invite you to visit the Web site,, and find out more.

I hope this brief answer has helped. Please feel free to submit follow up questions, if needed.

David Spector